
A podcast about the topic of LGBT and spirituality. Listen to stories of people from all over Europe who are LGBT and have a religious background. Listen about their journeys of reconciling their faith and sexual orientation as well as their journey of self-discovery and acceptance. You will also hear about different countries and how it is for LGBT people to live there and what challenges they are facing and/or blessings enjoying.

This podcast is possible by generous contributions and support. Please become part of the support team and help this Podcast to continue.

Kerstin nam je još jednom gošća. Ovaj put govori o njenom osobnom životu, kako je postala pastorica, aktivistkinja, spisateljica i savjetnica. Priča …

Kako rat u Ukrajini utječe na LGBT+ osobe? Florin Buhuceanu nam priča o svom radu s izbjeglicama iz Ukrajine i skojim izazovima …

Prije nekoliko tjedana, Renato je bio moj gost i pričali smo o njegovoj knjizi. Ovaj je razgovor o njegovom privatnom životu te …

Dok se borimo protiv diskirminacije nad LGBT+ ljudima, često zaboravljamo da diskriminacija postoji i unutar LGBT+ grupa. Postoje ljudi koji žive na …

Kako je živjeti na sjecištu mnogih identiteta? Farah s nama dijeli osobnu priču napuštanja svoje domovine kako bi pronašla život bez diskriminacije. …

Vrijeme je progovoriti na Priceless Podcastu iz Pravoslavne perspektive.  Natallia Vasillevich je pravoslavna teologinja i smatra se dijelom LGBT+ identiteta. Ona kaže …

Je li pitanje o cenzuri ili krivom prijevodu? Renato Lings govori o tome kako je sve počelo. Mnogi prevoditelji nisu niti svjesni …

Mnoga slova unutar LGBT+ skraćenice su nevidljiva. Jedno od njih je slovo A za Asuksualnost ili As*. Vrijeme je da ljude koji …

We are celebrating the “finished” product of RICE 2020 – The Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe. For this occasion, the researchers …

Shanon is a life-long activist and advocate for LGBT rights. They share their process of discovering who they are in a time …

Many of us living in Europe fight for the rights of LGBT+ people and we see the problems and discrimination, but we …

Gender is a hot topic in many countries, especially the Eastern European ones. We live in a binary world and many are …

Whenever we talk about different sexualities, we use the abbreviation LGBT+. Yet we barely mention or talk about B, maybe a little …

Talking about mental health is still a challenge. The ‘hush-hush’ strategy is still prevalent when it comes to this topic. But mental …

There are still too many countries in the world where being LGBT is illegal. At least being caught in a same-sex relationship. …

Last week we had the opportunity to listen more about the Theory of Queer Theology. Kerstin Soelderblom told us about her view …

The Bible was and is still used to hurt LGBTQ+ people amongst others. What we need is a new look at the …

Ex-gay ministries were the hope for many Christians to change their sexual orientation. Although it never changed anyone’s SO, it is still …

What can a decision to live a celibate life do to a person and how does coming out affect one’s faith?! Miroslav …