
Ranjivost LGBTI+ osoba u procesu – Webinar o sinodalnom procesu 3. dio

In the third part of our synodal webinar series, we discuss vulnerabilites of LGBTI+ people and various ways how the church cares for them. In the recording of the webinar you can hear 4 powerful testimonies from people caring for those in need and sharing the Good News. 2 of the speakers have to protect their identity though, as their exposure might bring them and their work in danger in their countries of East Africa. As one of the speakers points to an interesting paradox: there are several Christian humanitarian organizations working in the refugee camps in Africa and they take care of refugees fleeing from another country precisely because of the church’s attitudes towards LGBTI+ persons.



Podcast on the web:
Podcast web page
Instagram/Facebook: @podcastpriceless

The Synodal Project Group of the RCC WG

Zašto sam promijenio mišljenje o homoseksualnosti – Danny Cortez

Danny je pastor koji je prošao 16-godišnji put na kojem je u susretima s LGBT ljudima bio potaknut i pomalo primoran razmišljati o svojim stavovima, svojoj teologiji i kako oni utječu na LGBT ljude. Upoznali smo ga i osobno te možemo posvjedočiti empatičnost, blagost, ljudskost i iskrenu želju povezivanja sa svim ljudima bez obzira na svjetonazor ili bilo koji drugi identitet. Nadamo se da ćete čuti njegovu priču iskrene potrage, vjere i ljubavi prema ljudima. (klikom na titlove videa, možete naći prijevod na hrvatskom)