
A podcast about the topic of LGBT and spirituality. Listen to stories of people from all over Europe who are LGBT and have a religious background. Listen about their journeys of reconciling their faith and sexual orientation as well as their journey of self-discovery and acceptance. You will also hear about different countries and how it is for LGBT people to live there and what challenges they are facing and/or blessings enjoying.

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    It was a nice Journey, but it seems it has come to an end. Thank you all for listening and watching! Who …

    The second edition of the synodal webinar series prepared by the Roman-Catholic Working Group of the European Forum of LGBTI+ Christian Groups …

    Each year there is an international conference happening, organised by the board and a local group. Every year it has been organised …

    Many people flee their countries for their safety, but are we aware what it entails. We are prone to only think about …

    Being authentic is not always easy. In the past, it was even harder to be. For Ricardo, it took time to accept …

    You probably heard about the situation in Uganda. People are being imprisoned, tortured and killed for being LGBTIQ+. I’m talking to Pastor …

    Have you ever asked your self if you suffer from spiritual or religious trauma? As dr. Jamie Marich says, if you asked …

    Discrimination in the Balkans is still very high. This is true for many eastern-European countries. This is why it’s often so hard …

    Many minorities, but also others (like women) know what it’s like to experience disrespect. There are constantly new groups of people who …

    Paul’s story is heartbreaking but full of optimism at the same time. Living in a time where being gay was absolutely taboo. …

    Relationships are a fragile thing. At the same time, they can be such a big resource of inspiration and strength. As my …

    The World Council of Churches is a world fellowship of churches. Many of those are still very conservative and not near any …

    For almost two years I was mentioning that this podcast is made in partnership with the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups. …

    I must admit that I have a positive prejudice of many developed countries that LGBT+ people have it easy. Talking to people …

    Looking at the happenings within the Catholic Church it is sometimes so discouraging. It seems like it will never change. Although there …

    Before I start to write about the podcast itself, I have to share how moved I was throughout this interview. Small Luk, …

    The European Forum of LGBT Christian groups had its annual conference in Zurich, Switzerland where I used the opportunity to interview some …

    Kerstin is once again our guest. This time she talks about her personal life, how she became a pastor, an activist, writer, …

    Drag has not always been celebrated like it is now. Drag was more an expression of protest to social norms and for …

    In the very beginnings of the gay liberation movement, there was one church that recognised the need to be there for the …

    A few weeks ago, Renato was my guest where we talked about his book. This interview is about his personal life and …

    Fighting discrimination against LGBT+ people, we often forget that there is discrimination even within the LGBT+ spaces. There are people living on …

    How is it to live on the intersection of so many identities? Farah tells us her story of leaving her homeland to …

    It has been long due to talk on the Priceless Podcast from the Orthodox perspective. Natallia Vasillevich is an Orthodox theologian and …

    Is it Censorship or Mistranslation? – Renato LIngs talks about how it all began. Many translators aren’t even aware how their mistranslation …

    Polyamory is still an obscure topic. When meeting someone polyamorous we might be scared to ask questions because they can sound weird …

    Many letters of the LGBT+ acronym are still invisible. One of them is the letter A for Asexuality or As*. It is …

    Being in a mixed-orientation marriage is hard. It comes with many consequences. It affects your psychological, but also physical health. Arno, Carol …

    Once upon a time, there was a guest (Carol Shepherd) who wanted to interview the Host of The Priceless Podcast. It finally …

    Heartbreaking news is reaching us from the eastern part of Europe. Though democracy has reached this part of Europe, it seems like …

    We heard many journeys of people who were my guests about how they reconciled their sexuality and gender identity with faith. This …

    It is not so often we have the opportunity to meet an openly gay priest. Of course, the conversation got too interesting …

    Being an openly gay priest wasn’t always a challenge like it became in the 80ies. The Church had changed as did the …

    HIV has been around for a while. Though we came a long way in fighting this virus and having it is not …

    Though there is still a lot of work to do, there has been progress in a big part of the world. These …

    The only LGBT organisation is giving its best to not only step up for LGBT+ rights, but also for other vulnerable groups. …

    In a second interview with Ade Adeniji, we talk about his personal story. Living in London-Nigeria-London being gay and the challenge of …

    RICE 2020 Research has come to life. A lot of effort was put in. Among all the people that participated, Wielie Elhorst …

    It has been an effort with many people involved. Still, the end product wouldn’t come to life without experts who know how …

    We are celebrating the “finished” product of RICE 2020 – The Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe. For this occasion, the researchers …

    Shanon is a life-long activist and advocate for LGBT rights. They share their process of discovering who they are in a time …

    Many of us living in Europe fight for the rights of LGBT+ people and we see the problems and discrimination, but we …

    Gender is a hot topic in many countries, especially the Eastern European ones. We live in a binary world and many are …

    Whenever we talk about different sexualities, we use the abbreviation LGBT+. Yet we barely mention or talk about B, maybe a little …

    Talking about mental health is still a challenge. The ‘hush-hush’ strategy is still prevalent when it comes to this topic. But mental …

    There are still too many countries in the world where being LGBT is illegal. At least being caught in a same-sex relationship. …

    Last week we had the opportunity to listen more about the Theory of Queer Theology. Kerstin Soelderblom told us about her view …

    The Bible was and is still used to hurt LGBTQ+ people amongst others. What we need is a new look at the …

    Ex-gay ministries were the hope for many Christians to change their sexual orientation. Although it never changed anyone’s SO, it is still …