
Holy Censorship or Mistranslation? – Love, Gender and Sexuality in the Bible (Book by Renato Lings)

Is it Censorship or Mistranslation? – Renato LIngs talks about how it all began. Many translators aren’t even aware how their mistranslation led to censorship. Renato also shares some examples of words in the bible that were mistranslated and what censorship we are facing even today. His approach to meet the Bible with questions and not answers is refreshing and inspiring.

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(we didn’t want to give big companies the benefit of putting their link here, so we are giving a general link and encourage you to find alternative bookstores to rather support them)  
Holy Censorship or Mistranslation? Love, Gender and Sexuality in the Bible
Love Lost in Translation – Homosexuality and the Bible
Biblia y homosexualidad

Polyamory – Courage to Embrace What God has Joined Together

Polyamory is still an obscure topic. When meeting someone polyamorous we might be scared to ask questions because they can sound weird and clumsy. I’m happy to have had two guests who were willing to answer all those weird and clumsy questions. Being polyamorous, they were open to share their own stories, as well as challenges, joys, hopes…




An online resource (and a book) about non-monogamy and polyamory by Franklin Veaux & Eve Rickert.  

‘Attached’ by Rachel Heller & Amir Levine, a book about attachment styles, how they work, how they originate and how they can be handled with sensitivity and compassion.  

Polyamory Weekly, a podcast by Cunning Minx.  

The Ethical Slut, A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love. A book by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy.  

Multiamory podcast teaching communication and providing good and novel advice to better understand and handle relationships 

Book “Polysecure” that helps to navigate consensual non-monogamy with the help of attachment theory   

Free webinars of Jessica Fern, author of “Polysecure” that address emotions, triggers, transition from monogamy to polyamory   

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Being Asexual – Strangers in a World of Eroticism Short (The Invisible Letter A)

Many letters of the LGBT+ acronym are still invisible. One of them is the letter A for Asexuality or As*. It is time to make people who identify with this letter more visible. Here is the beginning of including them and hearing one story but also information that helps us to better understand what this letter stands for and what it means. But this isn’t just about Asexuality as we learn also more about what it means to be Aromantic. As with many letters A is not just invisible, but there are also misconceptions that my guest is trying to dismantle. Enjoy.

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AVEN – Asexual Visibility and Education Network

“A OK” and “Sounds fake but ok”

Angela Chen: Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex
Julie Sondra Decker: The Invisible Orientation  

Ace Week – Last week of october
Aro Week – End of Feburary
International Asexuality Conference

Ace Community Census


Priceless Host – Who Is The Host?

Once upon a time, there was a guest (Carol Shepherd) who wanted to interview the Host of The Priceless Podcast. It finally happened and you can listen to the result. Mihael was asking so many questions, listening to so many personal stories, it was time for him to spill the T. He is talking about his personal journey as well as the motivation for this podcast and how it all came to be.

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Gay Pastor – Losing My Religion (A Journey Rarely Talked About)

We heard many journeys of people who were my guests about how they reconciled their sexuality and gender identity with faith. This is a different journey, one that took my guest from being a pastor to a life where faith doesn’t play a big role anymore. Though it is a topic often feard by people of faith, deconstruction of faith, becoming agnostic or even atheist is not uncommon. What better place to tackle it than the Priceless Podcast!

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James Alison – The Church is not Conservative but Dishonest and Frightened

It is not so often we have the opportunity to meet an openly gay priest. Of course, the conversation got too interesting to keep it at one part interview. Even before we started to talk I was aware that this could become a two-part podcast. And so it did. It is time for the second part of the interview with James Alison. It starts with talking about pope Francis and the impression that he stands up for LGBT people and then it just seems like he changed his mind. There is a lot of work to do, but change won’t come from the top but from the people, the believers.

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James Alison – The Ecclesiastical Mechanism is Run by the Closet (Being an Out Gay Priest)

Being an openly gay priest wasn’t always a challenge like it became in the 80ies. The Church had changed as did the attitude towards the whole topic of LGBT people. But James didn’t back out. James talks about his journey to becoming a priest and what is happening within the church. This episode gives some insights into what happened, what is happening, an interesting story of an encounter with Pope Francis… More to come in the second part with James Alison next Monday.

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James Alison:
Webpage: http://jamesalison.com/
Books: http://jamesalison.com/en/books/

Living with HIV – It Doesn’t Make Me a Lesser Human Being

HIV has been around for a while. Though we came a long way in fighting this virus and having it is not a “death sentence” anymore, we still live with the images of suffering and people dying of AIDS. The stigma and judgement of people who are HIV positive remains. My guest dealt with the topic of HIV for 15 years. When he contracted HIV, he knew he wanted to live what he preached.

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Full Interview:

Some excerpts from the interview:

I was diagnosed with HIV 5 years ago, which has been an interesting journey.
I teach at the university here in Leeds. I teach issues in relation to gender and sexuality.
The part of the Netherlands where I grew up was basically defined by conservative forms of Dutch Protestantism, Calvinism, the Dutch Reformed church. That defined my youth, my upbringing.

Being diagnosed with HIV was an interesting combination of different parts of my biography. I had been working on issues of HIV in my academic work in the past 15 years. While I studied, I was a visiting student in South Africa. I was a visiting student as part of a master program for Theology and HIV/AIDS. At that time the HIV epidemic was in South Africa at its top level. I did a lot of voluntary work for people with HIV. So that was my first exposure to the realities of the HIV epidemic. I ended up writing my masters dissertation on theology and HIV in South Africa. Somehow it was an irony that 10 years later I was diagnosed with HIV myself. This was the moment of truth for me. If I was really serious about fighting the stigma of HIV then it was now time to do that myself.

I had a wonderful social environment with my partner and a few friends with who I shared this news and who were really supportive. That helped me combined with the basic medical knowledge I had that HIV is not a life-threatening disease. When I started taking my medication, I realised that I had to take this medication for the rest of my life which was kind of weird to realise.

HIV made me much more aware of my body. Of having one and the vulnerability of my body. I realised that I wasn’t going to allow this virus to take over my body and to take over my well-being. The most difficult step was to disclose it to my immediate family, to my parents, to my siblings. I don’t really care what other people think about me having HIV or if they have issues with it, but I did care how my immediate family would take it.

I’m proud of deciding to stick to the principles, to the stuff I believe in. I do believe that living with HIV is not a problem medically speaking, but also kind of morally speaking. Living with HIV doesn’t say anything about who I am. But the way I decided how to live with HIV does say something about who I am.

In the end, I would love to see a world where no one is stigmatised for who they are or how they decide to live their lives. I want to see a world where no one is being judged for the decisions they made.

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Adriaan’s book: Kenyan, Christian, Queer https://www.psupress.org/books/titles/978-0-271-08380-3.html
– This website includes some good, helpful basic information about HIV and the medical issues around it: https://www.tht.org.uk/hiv-and-sexual-health
– This website offers lots of support to people living with HIV (it’s a UK based organisation, and of course there will be similar organisations in other countries): https://positivelyuk.org/
– This website is specifically about faith and living with HIV: http://www.positivefaith.net/church-community-and-hiv.html

LGBT Activism – I Struggled With Inequality Not My Faith

Though there is still a lot of work to do, there has been progress in a big part of the world. These changes happened because of the effort of many people in our history and today. My guest is talking about how he became an activist and why he does it. He is talking about the challenges, but also about the progress he can see today.

Some Quotes From the Interview:
„I wondered myself why I never struggled to reconcile my sexuality with my faith, but I think it has to do with the position of my parents, maybe… At that time their own point of view wasn’t particularly progressive or liberal, but I saw them evolving pastorally. “

“What I struggled with early on was the inequality of LGBT people within the Salvation Army. That is what I struggled with more than being accepted or not by God.”

“I always say: “Not every LGBTI person has to be an activist.” We all have our own talents, abilities, and interests. For me, it’s a calling to make sure that all people are welcome.”

“What keeps me going is seeing progress… I have seen LGBTI people of faith growing in defining and formulating their own voice.”

“We are trying to help churches to become a safe space without entering the difficult debate.”

“If there would be only one thing that I could change right now, I would change all the religious communities into welcoming and affirming communities.”

“My message to LGBT people who are part of non-affirming churches is to find their own path of liberation, even when it’s outside of the churches or faith.”

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LGBT in Armenia – breaking the taboos on HIV and LGBT topics

The only LGBT organisation is giving its best to not only step up for LGBT+ rights, but also for other vulnerable groups. Armenia has been and remained a country deeply rooted in religion and influenced by the words of its leaders. In the midst of these challenges, New Generation is trying to break the taboos, educate the police, and informing the public about HIV, HIV prevention, and LGBT+ human rights. It seems like a long journey ahead, but one that some Armenians like Arman are willing to take.