Hungary – The Hotspot of the EU (New Law on LGBTIQ “Propaganda”)

Heartbreaking news is reaching us from the eastern part of Europe. Though democracy has reached this part of Europe, it seems like change is a difficult process. Human rights are being disregarded and taken. This time it is about a law in Hungary where all LGBTIQ “propaganda” is forbidden for minors. For the first time, this caused an uproar in the western part of the EU. But what does that mean for LGBTIQ teens? How does it influence LGBTIQ people in Hungary? Is there hope?

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More on the situation in Hungary:
What happened and the Hungarian context?
A report by CNN about the law put in a wider Eastern European context
A more in-depth analysis of discrimination against LGBTQ people in Hungary
An article by ILGA-Europe’s director about the implications for Europe

Hungarian NGOs that are actively involved in protesting the new law and  helping people deal with it:
Háttér Society (Háttér means Background, it is the most active LGBTQ  rights NGO in Hungary, also good for updates about the situation)
Budapest Pride
Human rights NGOs, that also deal with other human rights issues besides LGBTQ:  
TASZ (Hungarian Civil Liberties Union)  
Hungarian Helsinki Committee