April 2021

Bisexuality – Always mentioned rarely talked about (the taboo sexuality)

Whenever we talk about different sexualities, we use the abbreviation LGBT+. Yet we barely mention or talk about B, maybe a little bit more about T. Carol shepherd talks about her experience as a Bisexual person, how she started her journey of writing books on Bisexuality, and gives an interesting insight on misconceptions and prejudices about Bisexual people.

Destination: “I am enough” (embrace the sense of wholeness)

Talking about mental health is still a challenge. The ‘hush-hush’ strategy is still prevalent when it comes to this topic. But mental health is not just about getting help when we do not feel well. It is about caring for ourselves. It is about regular check-ups and keeping our minds healthy, and of course, it is also about healing. Taking some simple steps can help us maintain our health and even find our way home to “I am enough”.

LGBT Refugee – To Be Seen As a Person (Running from danger to uncertainty)

There are still too many countries in the world where being LGBT is illegal. At least being caught in a same-sex relationship. This often leads to greater discrimination within their own communities and families with horrible consequences. Monika tells her story of running for her life in the hope of a better future. Arriving in a new country she faces old and new challenges that go on for years and years. Still, there is light because of Churches and Organisations that embrace her and offer support.

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The European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups
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Church and Organisations Monika mentioned and where she found Family and Support:
MCC London  
Women for Refugee Women
Out and Proud
Micro Rainbow