
Out & Proud

What can a decision to live a celibate life do to a person and how does coming out affect one’s faith?! Miroslav Matavka shares his journey of wanting to become a monk and how this journey helped him to accept himself as a gay man as well as grow in faith.

Priceless News – The Journey of Change

Church of Christ has changed its attitude towards same-sex marriages and ordination. Joey Williamson talks about the decision, the process and journey of change.


Community of Christ Europe Website  
Common Consent Report and a good overview of the Common Consent process   
Discovering God’s Will   
HARMONY – Advocating for full LGBTQ+ participation in the Community of Christ denomination   

MUSIC by Bobby Richards

I’m a Queer Woman and a Queer Pastor

Meet Judit Gyarfas from Hungary. Find out about how she struggles with the identity of a pastor and why, why she left the church and came back, how even non-religious parents can use the Bible and the possibility of starting an LGBTQI+ folk dance group.

You Are Not Broken

Dr Arno Steen Andreasen talks about how he became a Christian in the time of HIV/AIDS, his life in a mixed-orientation marriage, his attempts to change his sexual orientation through taking part in reparative therapy, his divorce and decision to come out as a gay man.  



Europian Forum of LGBT Christian Groups Website

– Building a bridge by James Martin

– God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines

– The cross in the closet by Timothy Kurek

– Changing our mind by David Gushee

– Walking the bridgeless canyon by Kathy Baldock

– The passion of Christ – a gay vision, text by Kittredge Cherry and

art by Douglas Blanchard

– Jesus in love by Kittredge Cherry

5 Priceless News – Book: Desiring God – Meditations for the gay man and other edgy people

5 Priceless News - Book: Desiring God - Meditations for the gay man and other edgy people

Dr Arno Steen Andreasen talks about his new book coming out this month. We talk about how this book came about and what his vision is. Why does the title of the book say: “For the gay man and other edgy people”? Who are the edgy people? Is it only for gay men? We also discuss other questions, the vulnerability expressed in the book as well as how you can acquire a copy soon. As soon as it is published, we will post the link in this description.

Priceless news: Pope Francis’ support of civil unions and families

In a new documentary “Francesco”, pope Francis is mentioning that LGBT people should have a right to civil unions and families. What does this mean? Is it groundbreaking or not? What hope is there that the Catholic church will change its rhetoric about LGBTI+? I’m talking to theologian and sociologist Michael Bringschroeder who shares his opinion with us.


Documentary “Francesco” trailer

Resources Michael mentioned:


God Loved Us Into Existence

Ola is telling her story of growing up and living in Poland as a queer person of faith. Polish people are facing political challenges concerning women’s rights and LGBT rights in the midst of facing the Corona crisis. We talk about what has helped and what is helping her to gain strength, what are the challenges for LGBTIQ+ people in Poland, and what others can or cannot do to help.

Video: Thank God I’m a Lesbian!

Meet Tatjana Lehatkova. Her journey of accepting her sexual orientation and reconciling it with the Christian faith. What was it like moving from Russia to France and what kept her true to herself as a lesbian and a person of faith.

Podcast Page: http://neprocjenjiva.com/the-priceles…
Nuntiare et Recreare: https://www.nuntiare.org/
European Forum of LGBT Christian groups:

Resources Tatjana suggested:
Boy Erased – a movie based on a true story about the harmfulness of Conversion Therapy with a male main character. The

Miseducation of Cameron Post – another movie about the harmfulness of Conversion Therapy with a female main character.

Thank God I’m a Lesbian!

Meet Tatjana Lehatkova. Her journey of accepting her sexual orientation and reconciling it with the Christian faith. What was it like moving from Russia to France and what kept her true to herself as a lesbian and a person of faith.

Podcast Page: http://neprocjenjiva.com/the-priceles…
Nuntiare et Recreare: https://www.nuntiare.org/
European Forum of LGBT Christian groups:

Resources Tatjana suggested:
Boy Erased – a movie based on a true story about the harmfulness of Conversion Therapy with a male main character. The

Miseducation of Cameron Post – another movie about the harmfulness of Conversion Therapy with a female main character.