
Being a Gay, Divorced, Retired Pastor

Paul’s story is heartbreaking but full of optimism at the same time. Living in a time where being gay was absolutely taboo. He was pastoring people through the AIDS crisis. As a pastor he was in search of how to put his passion for ministry into practice and be openly gay. But his passion for ministry had a cost. One being his marriage. Paul tells his story with such honesty and vulnerability. He lives his truth and shares it with all of us with an optimism that can only be described as inspirational.

Forty Years Together – Love is a Roller Coaster

Relationships are a fragile thing. At the same time, they can be such a big resource of inspiration and strength. As my guests said ‘Love is a roller coaster.’ It is beautiful, but not always easy. Sometimes we need to keep in mind that there is an amazing view, once we manage to climb the mountain. But, of course, there are certain qualities relationships need to sustain. Respect, an open hand and some friends along the way. Unfortunately, there is no recipe for a long-lasting relationship, but hearing someones story can be a huge encouragement and inspiration.

Who are the Rainbow Pilgrims of Faith?

The World Council of Churches is a world fellowship of churches. Many of those are still very conservative and not near any inclusion of many people on the margins. This includes LGBTIQ people. An international group is dedicating their time and energy that the voices of LGBTIQ people are heard within this fellowship. Every 7 to 8 years an international conference takes place where this group, called Rainbow Pilgrims of faith try to get closer to the delegates of different churches, share stories and invite them to different happenings. This episodes brings the work of those people closer to you.

What is the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups?

For almost two years I was mentioning that this podcast is made in partnership with the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups. But what is this Forum? What is it doing? Who is it for?… Interested? Find out more about what this Forum is and what it does. Also, you can hear personal experiences from people who attended the Annual conference in Zurich this year. If you are not a member and would like to find out how to become one, it is also explained in the video and audio version, or you can click the link and find out more on the website.

I Didn’t Leave Church, I Was Forced Out

I must admit that I have a positive prejudice of many developed countries that LGBT+ people have it easy. Talking to people from these countries makes me aware that this isn’t true. Oliver tells his story of coming to terms with being trans, about the physical and mental challenges, and about his experience and pain inflicted by the church. Though he already experienced a lot of healing he still fights the inner voices of the past.

Synodal President – The Church Will Change

Looking at the happenings within the Catholic Church it is sometimes so discouraging. It seems like it will never change. Although there are some steps forward, it seems like there are several steps backward. Talking to the first woman president of the Syondal council in Zurich was encouraging for several reasons. First of all to se a woman as the head of this council. Second, she is fighting for rights on several fronts, but she is also showing us that the church can be different and we can move away from the old ways of the hierarchical functioning of the RCC. She is a voice for the discriminated and a voice for a more just church with shared power.

This podcast is part of the project “Let Us be Heard” and is partially financed by HMS

The Priceless Podcast is made in Partnership with the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups

Being Intersex – No Right of Choice

Before I start to write about the podcast itself, I have to share how moved I was throughout this interview. Small Luk, her vulnerability in sharing her story, her experience and drive to help intersex people around the world is inspiring and I find it hard to believe that it will leave you indifferent. Small dives into details of what she had to go through as an intersex person where others made the choice of what she is going to be. I strongly recommend watching the full version, as you will only get part of the story, her emotion and depth she goes to.

This podcast is part of the project “Let Us be Heard” and is partially financed by HMS

The Priceless Podcast is made in Partnership with the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups

Gay Theologian – Don’t Dream It, Be It!

The European Forum of LGBT Christian groups had its annual conference in Zurich, Switzerland where I used the opportunity to interview some people. One of them was Csongor Kozma who is the director of the Paulus Akademie. The Paulus Akademie is a Catholic centre for dialogue and yet its director is gay, with husband and daughter. I wanted to know how this works, what are the challenges and how accepted he is as an openly rainbow family man. As a theologian with a focus on Ethics, I wanted to know how much his identities influenced this choice. Well, Csongor is much more than this. To find out, take a look!

This podcast is part of the project “Let Us be Heard” and is partially financed by HMS

The Priceless Podcast is made in Partnership with the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups

My Queer Life – Living, Doing and Dreaming

Kerstin is once again our guest. This time she talks about her personal life, how she became a pastor, an activist, writer, counsellor. She tells the story of her and her wife, their journey towards marriage after 16 years together. She finishes with what she is up to now and sharing her dreams.

This podcast is part of the project “Let Us be Heard” and is partially financed by HMS

The Priceless Podcast is made in Partnership with the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups

Being a Drag Queen – Defend, Speak Out, and Make ’em Laugh!

Drag has not always been celebrated like it is now. Drag was more an expression of protest to social norms and for many it meant to be free for a few hours. But it was dangerous. Today it is easier, it is more accessible. But how is it for a person of faith to do drag and when others find out they are a person of faith, or even more specific, Catholic?! Mark tells us his story of being Mark Ashton, but also his persona Matron. Listen to Mark and meet him as Mark and as Matron, find out the and see the difference and how he discovered Drag and the joy of making people laugh.

This podcast is part of the project “Let Us be Heard” and is partially financed by HMS

The Priceless Podcast is made in Partnership with the European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups

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Podcast on the web: http://neprocjenjiva.com/en/the-priceless-podcast/
Instagram: @podcastpriceless

Follow Mark Ashton Matron on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter: @MarkAshtonDQ